So You Have Little To No Stress?
Get Rid of It
This isn’t always possible but removing the source of stress is the first line of defense to take back control of your life. For example, is it a bill that’s looming over your head? Instead of putting it off, call your creditor and work out a payment plan that fits within your budget. Or is a colleague or manager coming for you creating issues in the workplace and quitting isn’t an option? You don’t have to figure it out on your own! If you don’t have a network of people who can provide useful advice, then turn to everyone’s bestie Google to find articles by experts that can guide you.
Get Out
Resist the urge to isolate yourself. Surround yourself with supportive- we’ll say it again- SUPPORTIVE people who can make you laugh and get those beta-endorphins (feel good hormone). It won’t take the stress away but it can reduce the haze and brain fog caused by stress so you can focus on solutions to get rid of the stress source or at least see your way through it.
Another thing you can try is volunteering at a charity that is close to your heart. Sometimes stepping outside of your world gives new perspective on what’s happening in your life. That in itself can help reduce your stress levels.
Try the 4-7-8 breathing technique to relax the next time you’re feeling stressed.
1. Find somewhere comfortable to sit. If you can, close your eyes.
2. Breathe in through your nose to the count of four.
3. Hold the breath to the count of seven.
4. Exhale through your mouth to the count of eight.
Repeat this breathing cycle for five minutes and see how you feel.
*A quick word of caution*
Breathing is powerful and some people actually panic and can hyperventilate when focusing on their breath. Stop the breathing exercise if this happens to you and try another method like reading or watching something that will make you laugh.